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About Facta

Facta is an award-winning media and marketing communications specialist to the construction, engineering, automotive (on- and off-highway) and allied industries.

We have been delivering award-winning content – corporate communications, internal communications, thought leadership, white papers and B2B press and public relations – for over 15 years.

We are utterly focused on detail, delivery, difference and value.

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It's a Facta Life

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Lockdown suggests we get busy about the haus

If the Government wants to get to Net Zero by 2050, it’s going to have to do something pretty drastic about decarbonising homes. Find out why it’s PAS 2035 Retrofit programme is unlikely to do the job, and how Passivhaus (as ever) could be the answer. One of the apparent benefits arising from the lockdowns


Lego-style learning for future designers

For some parents, virtual world builder Minecraftis a shocking waste of their kids’ time; for others it’s a welcome distraction during the dog days of lockdown. But is Minecraft-as-STEM the way to engage the next generation of engineers, architects and designers? In these dog days of lockdown, there can hardly be a parent unaware of


The rise of the machines

At the beginning of the Covid-19 crisis, construction was stuck between a rock and a hard place. It had to continue as many projects were and are essential and, plainly, sitework does not translate into homework. Simultaneously, working practices and the nature of sites made social distancing difficult-to-impossible. As the crisis has accelerated change for


When privilege is green

National crises are often accompanied by the claim that we’re all in it together. Of course, the realities of life mean it is impossible that being ‘in it’ will be a universal experience. A case in point during the coronavirus crisis is access to, or ownership of, outdoor, especially green, space. What has been termed